Growing Thin?

How You Can Address Thinning Hair

or Hair Loss

No one wants to see the frightening signs of thinning hair in the mirror or on the brush. Yet it is one of the most often cited concerns among our clients, men and women alike

It’s heartbreaking to think about those of us undergoing health conditions and related treatments who also must endure the anxiety of associated hair loss. And so many of us experience thinning hair through the normal occurrences of aging, hormonal changes, stress and unhealthy scalps. Damage caused by poor hair care with the wrong products and older tools can accelerate breakage and create a lifeless appearance even in healthy hair. 

For aggressive hair loss treatment, practices like Medi Tresse in Wellesley, MA and RX Aesthetics Medical Spa in Newton, MA and similar ones in other cities offer platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) injections. In these procedures, your own blood is taken, processed, and reinjected into your scalp to stimulate regrowth. 

New “biolight” laser therapy rejuvenates hair follicles to regrow hair. Over-the-counter products and hair health supplements, like many of these solutions, work for some and not others

Without major and often expensive interventions, how can you make your way back to healthier, voluminous hair? 

Your stylist can help. Our approach to improving the appearance of thinning hair and hair loss focuses on:

  • The Right Hair Cut ~ Short cuts with longer layers can create a thicker appearance. Frequent micro-trimming can really work to keep shape and add volume.
  • Hair Color ~ Coloring hair always adds texture and body. Specialty color like Bayalage can also build the appearance of thickness. Be sure to work with a highly trained stylist, since poorly done Balayage can do more harm than good.
  • Hand-Picked Products ~ Use only a few chosen just for you. The right, water-soluble conditioner from a quality product line brings elasticity, smoothness and shine. Avoid conditioners containing plastic derivatives as they weigh hair down with coatings that build up over time. And, contrary to what you might think, avoid volumizing products. They blow open the cuticles of thin hair like a pinecone, causing a coarseness that works against shine and produces a dull, limp appearance. 
  • Routine Scalp Care ~ Scalp massages with serums made especially for the task eliminate clogging, deliver nutrients to hair follicles, and increase blood circulation to support thriving, more robust hair shafts. Products like Rene Furterer’s Complexe 5 Stimulating Plant Concentrate work well to combat the thickening of aging scalps that constricts hair follicles and causes production of thinner, more fragile strands.
  • Quality Hair Extensions and Wigs ~ These can provide powerful, though temporary, solutions. Hair extensions, when placed in weakened spots on the scalp, can act as an accessory to make the hair look fuller and add thickness for the right moment. Hair pieces and “21st century wigs” are finely crafted and can provide a remarkably realistic appearance of natural hair for those in need of a more substantial solution. Consult your stylist to source and style the right hair piece to match your personal look.
  • Support for Your Hair Care Regimen ~ Your consistent self-care is key to getting this right. Tell your stylist about your health conditions and medications to help him or her best tailor product choices to your specific needs. As always, maintain a healthy lifestyle with a nutritious diet, lots of exercise, rest, and plenty of water to hydrate your hair and skin. 

Please reach out here if I can offer any advice on concerns with your hair. Meanwhile, I hope you are enjoying HairLine. Please join our conversation and share your ideas and suggestions for future topics

